About Us

Welcome to our website, we have had a little bit of a change around!
Things have shifted in our business and we are now specialising in event floristry.
This means that we will no longer be doing retail bouquets and arrangements for delivery, and what was our shop retail space is now our working studio. It will be closed to the general public for browsing (unless we chose to open for special events), and only open for pre booked consultations.
This allows all consultations to be private, quiet and most importantly relaxed.
We can then focus on each client and event 100%, making communication and those relationships as strong as possible for us to be able to deliver what has been envisaged and planned with the utmost of precision. 
My name's Sophie and in the Autumn of 2019 I joined the high street retailers of Needham Market in Suffolk to provide cut flowers, bouquets and houseplants that can be delivered locally and collected instore (it's now 2024 and our business model has changed)!
I have a love for the outdoors, growing, connecting with nature, plants and animals and all things creative. With my background in horticulture to Masters level I have been lucky enough to pursue a vast amount of avenues and opportunities in the horticultural field. From historic landscape management all the way through to commercial gardening and consultation.
My background provides me with a well rounded knowledge of the processes of growing and supply chain to the cut flowers you buy from us and bring into your home. Special care and consideration is taken in all our products offered.